What can Alexa do that Google can't?What can Alexa do that Google can't?
Google is always trying to get the top spot with whatever space it enters, but when it comes to smart home controllers and home assistants, Amazon has knocked it out of the park with Alexa and the Amazon Echo.

Here are some capabilities of Alexa that Google Home doesn’t feature. These capabilities are what make this device and software stand out when it comes to choosing between the two.

1. Custom Skills

The first , and one of my favorite features of the Amazon Echo is that you can program custom skills into it. This means, you can create different skills that will be personal to your Alexa alone, and it can function exactly how you want it to; how cool is that?

These skills can be set to a template that is already present on your device. Use the templates to teach your Alexa new stories and greetings, or how to play a new game! Whether useful or just for fun, the possibilities are endless.

2. Security

When it comes to having a little extra security in the home, your Alexa has got your back. Actually, Alexa works great as a house-sitter while you are out of town or out for the night. You can switch on Alexa Guard on your device and the smart home controller will become your own little look out.

Once Alexa Guard is on, the device starts monitoring any suspicious activity like movement or sounds. Any glass breaking or alarms going off will trigger Alexa to start listening in. Another great feature you can use on this device for security is, programming it to switch on your lights at intervals to make it look like someone is home. Again, endless possibilities.

3. Package Tracking

Of course, being a product of Amazon, this device can help you track your packages when you shop on the site. Not only does Alexa know exactly when your package will be delivered, she can tell you what stage of the delivery it is at as well.

Once you have made your purchase, just ask Alexa “Alexa, where is my package?” and she will be able to give you an exact update of where it is! Plus, you can set up Domino’s delivery service with your Alexa too, so you can track the status of your pizza!

4. Whisper Capability

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and tried to quietly sneak out of the room only to end up bumping into something in the dark. Well, now you can enable whisper mode for Alexa and you can quietly ask her to turn a specific light on.

Amazon’s “Whisper Mode” for Alexa is a setting that will allow you to whisper commands to your Echo device. Not only will Alexa hear you, but she will whisper back to you as to not disturb anyone else in your house.

To enable Whisper Mode for Alexa, you can simply say “Alexa, turn on Whisper Mode”.

You can also use your Alexa App to enable Whisper Mode:

Go to Settings > Voice Responses > (Click to toggle) Whisper Mode

Editor’s note: under this screen, you can also turn on “Brief Mode“. Alexa’s Brief Mode minimizes vocal responses from Alexa and will oftentimes play a discreet sound instead. Of course, if you ask Alexa a question that requires a vocal response, she will still speak to you.

For a little flavor you can also enable Samuel L Jackson’s Celebrity Voice Responses on Alexa. You may (or may not) want to toggle on “Explicit Content” under the following settings screen (click Celebrity Voice) for the full experience.

Samuel L Jackson’s Celebrity Voice Response will allow you to have him tell you a joke, give you the weather, tell you about himself and even sing you happy birthday!

5. Frustration Detection

Another human-like feature Amazon has added to Alexa is Frustration Detection. This gives Alexa the capability to detect irritation or frustration in your tone of voice. Why this is important is, it will allow your smart home controller to adjust its results and behavior just by the tone of your voice without you having to change the command.

People naturally want a digital assistant to be… well, more natural. As Alexa continues to update, this feature will improve giving you a lot better results with a lot less effort.

6. Assistant On-the-Go

Did you know you can take your Echo with you on your car rides by simply plugging it in through a USB into your car? Or you can get the Amazon Echo Auto (found here on Amazon) which is made specifically for your car. Just speak to Alexa as you would at home, and she’ll become your assistant on-the-go. This could make your journey a lot more productive.

7. Location Triggers

When you set up Alexa’s location triggers, your smart home controller can be set up to have your home ready for you before you arrive. Alexa will track your location from your smartphone and  will get everything ready for you; this includes switching on the lights, getting your smart HVAC system ready, and whatever else you program her to do. This is not just a great convenience, but can also help you save money when it comes to energy and utility bills since you won’t have to leave anything running while you’re out.

8. Music

Unlike the Google Home, Alexa has quite a few different music streaming services under her belt. Pandora and Spotify are shared by both smart home controllers, but if you’re trying to see which one has more range, Alexa is the clear winner. Apart from the obvious Amazon Prime Music, Alexa can also play music from Apple Music which Google Home cannot. Other music streaming services on Alexa include Deezer, Gimme, iHeartRadio, SiriusXM, Spotify Premium, Tidal, TuneIn, and Vevo.

The Current Amazon Echo Lineup: